Mediterranean dialogue for peace - Tunisia - April 2018
ADEFIS JUVENTUD INTERNACIONAL is a non-profit organization whose located in Las Rozas de Madrid (SPAIN). Since 2012, it has been carrying out different activities with young people and other groups at risk of exclusion to create new opportunities, against racism, xenophobia, empowerment of the most disadvantaged groups, employment, etc.
The project “MEDITERRANEAN DIALOGUE FOR PEACE” is an activity of Job Shadowing in the frame of the Erasmus+ programme, whose aim is to create better intercultural relationships between countries in the Mediterranean area. The main goal is to promote peace between youngsters and lay the foundation for the resolution of conflicts.
From 5th to 18th April 2018, Adefis Juventud Internacional will be implementing a ERASMUS+ Job Shadowing in the hosting organization FHIRD. The project is promoted by the European Commission. “Mediterrean dialogue for peace” is an observation “in situ” in the professional NGO framework in Tunisia; two experts from Adefis will be cooperating and supporting FHIRD for 14 days in order to learn good practices, share experience, acquiring new methodologies and knowledge through non-formal education.
The main aim of this project is to acquire new knowledge and experiences, with the attainment of the peace between various cultures, focusing on human rights. Developing new methodologies and initiatives of work through good practices is the only way to find resolutions for conflicts, analyzing at the same time weaknesses and strengths. Moreover, another goal is to promote cultural difference as a source of personal and social enrichment. All these goals are some priorities within Erasmus+ programme, which is promoting any initiative against hate speech in order to live in a peaceful society.
The experts will learn through teamwork, debates and field experience. The work methodology will be based on learning by interactive in a climate of trust, fostering skills of personal and social autonomy.
The project “MEDITERRANEAN DIALOGUE FOR PEACE” is an activity of Job Shadowing in the frame of the Erasmus+ programme, whose aim is to create better intercultural relationships between countries in the Mediterranean area. The main goal is to promote peace between youngsters and lay the foundation for the resolution of conflicts.
From 5th to 18th April 2018, Adefis Juventud Internacional will be implementing a ERASMUS+ Job Shadowing in the hosting organization FHIRD. The project is promoted by the European Commission. “Mediterrean dialogue for peace” is an observation “in situ” in the professional NGO framework in Tunisia; two experts from Adefis will be cooperating and supporting FHIRD for 14 days in order to learn good practices, share experience, acquiring new methodologies and knowledge through non-formal education.
The main aim of this project is to acquire new knowledge and experiences, with the attainment of the peace between various cultures, focusing on human rights. Developing new methodologies and initiatives of work through good practices is the only way to find resolutions for conflicts, analyzing at the same time weaknesses and strengths. Moreover, another goal is to promote cultural difference as a source of personal and social enrichment. All these goals are some priorities within Erasmus+ programme, which is promoting any initiative against hate speech in order to live in a peaceful society.
The experts will learn through teamwork, debates and field experience. The work methodology will be based on learning by interactive in a climate of trust, fostering skills of personal and social autonomy.